This Conference brings together farmers, growers, scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs to create a global innovation hub in agri-tech, at which the University of Cambridge will proudly represent the #Annual Food Agenda.
As well as informing Conference delegates about the work of the #AnnualFoodAgenda and highlighting recent films made by our partners in the scheme, we will present important research from Cambridge University, including Hamish Symington’s work on flowers and pollination, who will be talking about his research, which appears in the #AnnualFoodAgenda film Improving Flowers to Feed the World.
CambPlants Hub, University of Cambridge.
Event duration
9:30am – 5:30pm
Tuesday 10th November, 2020
Target audience
Food stakeholders: farmers and growers, researchers and technology developers, entrepreneurs and investors, as well as professional and commercial service providers
REAP Conference 2020: From micro-scape to landscape – Innovating at the frontier
Contact email
For further information, please contact Abigail Youngman,
Abigail Youngman, Events and Education Projects Co-ordinator, Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge.
Hamish Symington, Postgraduate Student, Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge.