Building trust in food – educational workshops dedicated to school children led by the representatives of the food industry (Maspex) and scientists from the Polish Academy of Sciences (Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research).
During workshops, pupils and teachers will learn the newest information concerning nutritional recommendations. Participants will discuss with experts “The Food Pyramid” which was designed to make healthy eating easier. One of the goals of the workshop is to explain that healthy eating is about getting the correct amount of nutrients – protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, workshops will provide pupils with knowledge on commonly used laboratory food tests. There will be also time for learning food facts in an unconventional way during solving puzzles in the escape room game.
In the final stage of the workshops, participants will take part in a quiz, assessing their understanding of the information presented.
Institution/Company Webpage
Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS
Event duration
8:00am – 1:00pm
March 20th, 2020
Placówki Fundacji Sternik-Kraków:
Szkoła Podstawowa WIERCHY and Szkoła Podstawowa ŹRÓDŁO
ul. Radzikowskiego 52
31-315 Kraków
School children (primary school)
Registration information
Submission via e-mail
Contact email
Event capacity
min. 100, max. 250 participants
Dr. Małgorzata Starowicz – her scientific work focuses on the elaboration of an analytical strategy for the measurement of the antioxidant capacity formed by natural and neo-formed antioxidants in varied food products e.g. spices. Dr. Starowicz was involved in work of international projects according to acrylamide mitigation strategy in cereal-based food, and she was also a leader of project dedicated to elaboration of buckwheat cookies with high antioxidant activity.
Marzena Lenkiewicz is a food technologist and works as a senior specialist at IARFR’s Microbiology Laboratory of PAS in Olsztyn. She is currently engaged in the research works concerning isolation of Lactobacillus strains from different environments.
Agnieszka Czura is a project manager in Innovation Management Department in Maspex Group. She is engaged in performing the EIT Food projects.
Karolina Biel is an assistant in Innovation Management Department in Maspex Group. She is engaged in organizing #AnnualFoodAgenda events and supporting all Innovation Management Department activities.
Tomasz Piwowarski is a Junior Brand Manager in Lubella Marketing Department.