
Semana de la Ciencia 2021 – iMDEA Alimentación

Del campo a la mesa, tu menú sostenible con #AnnualFoodAgenda de EIT Food La Comunidad de Madrid impulsa a través de la Fundación para el Conocimiento […]

Entrevista a Ana @nosolocomida en #AnnualFoodAgenda

Desde Annual Food Agenda, el proyecto de EIT Food cuyo objetivo es involucrar a los consumidores, animándoles a reflexionar sobre los alimentos que consumen e implicando […]

Too good to waste

Every day, we throw food away without giving too much thought to how much time, energy and resources are consumed to produce a meal.Become aware about […]

A Peek at University of Cambridge research into making Agriculture more Sustainable

On Thursday 16th September our ‘Through the Laboratory Keyhole’ on-line event took place, as part of the Open Cambridge Festival.  Viewers were treated to a privileged […]