On-line panel event and Q&A.
Our food system is wasteful and inefficient. Our expert panel will answer your questions and discuss what can be done. Topics will include:
- How we can change our diets to waste less.
- How and why food is wasted, both by consumers and in the supply chain.
- Whether waste food should be used as animal feed on an industrial scale.
- Why our food systems are fundamentally unsustainable, and how they should be circular, not linear, to use fewer resources and create less waste and pollution.
You’ll be invited to submit your questions for our panel when you register to attend. We’re keen to know what you’d like to know!
Cambridge Global Food Security, University of Cambridge.
Event duration
18.00 – 19.00 BST (GMT+1)
Thursday 29th April On-line
Online (Zoom Platform)
Target audience
General public of all ages.
Register for tickets https://bit.ly/3uMnqvN
Contact email
For further information, please contact:
Abigail Youngman, Events and Education Projects Coordinator, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge aby24@cam.ac.uk
Our Panel:
- Dr Yasemin Kor, Beckwith Professor of Management Studies, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.
- Dr Christian Reynolds, Senior Lecturer in Food, City, University of London.
- Dr Karen Luyckx, Expert Consultant, Feedback Global.
- Dr Phil Baynes, Baynes Nutrition.
- Chaired by Professor James Wood, Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge.